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University hospital

We are Specialized In

HSS Department

The University Clinic for Hearing, Voice and Speech Disorders is Austria’s largest phoniatric (pediatric) audiology center. It provides care, diagnosis, counseling, treatment, care and support.

We are specialized in:

  • Hearing disorders in children
  • Hearing disorders in adults
  • Tinnitus
  • Voice disorders
  • Speech and language development disorders
  • Speech and speech process disorders
  • Dysphagia
Medicine Campus Innsbruck Hearring Centers


ENT Department

At the University ENT Clinic Innsbruck all diseases of the ears, nose and sinuses, as well as the diseases of the mouth, throat, larynx and throat, including salivary glands are treated.  

The ENT clinic offers modern top-quality patient-oriented medicine. As a university hospital, we work on an international level. Due to the close cooperation with other medical departments of Innsbruck University Clinics, our patients have access to most comprehensive treatment methods available.

About Us

The Tirol Kliniken GmbH was founded in 1991 and is the largest and most diverse healthcare organization in Western Austria.

It consists of various institutions that form the backbone of medical care in Tyrol.

Our team

Patrick Zorowka Hearring members

Prof. Dr.
Patrick Zorowka

HSS department

Kurt Stephan members Hearring

Prof. Dr.
Kurt Stephan

HSS department

Ass. Prof. Dr. Joachim Schmutzhard Hearring members

Ass. Prof. Dr.
Joachim Schmutzhard

ENT department

Blindness separates people from things, deafness separates people from people.”

Helen Keller


ENT Department of University Hospital Innsbruck