Winter HEARRING round table 2022


hearring round table 2022

DEC 15, 2022

HEARRING Group is pleased to announce that our Winter Round Table is coming soon! It will be dedicated to the topic of Cochlear Implantation in Older Adults.

The event will take place on the 15th of December 2022 at 15.00 CET via Zoom. The duration of the round table will be 90 minutes. In case you are located in a different time zone, you can check the event time here:

Our renowned experts will discuss cochlear implantation in the elderly and address key topics such as cognition, advanced age as predictor of outcomes as well as the latest studies in the field including the HEARRING RBANS-H study.

As always, the panel will include highly experienced specialists from all over the world: our chairman Prof. Baumgartner from Vienna, the secretary of research and moderator Prof. Gavilán from Madrid, Prof. Mertens from Antwerp,  Prof. Tavora-Vieira from Perth and Prof. Cuda from Piacenza. We would like to point out that our discussion panel might still be subject to changes. 

To join us at the time of the event click the Zoom link below:

This event will receive internationally acclaimed accreditation.

We anticipate a truly exciting and insightful discussion, so save the date and join us online!

Spring HEARRING round table 2022


hearring round table 2022

MAR 24, 2022

HEARRING Group continues with our seasonal Round Table discussions. We are glad to announce that the next online event of this series – Spring HEARRING Round Table – is less than a month away!

Its topic will be “Structure and Hearing Preservation – the whole experience”. The event will take place in Zoom on the 24th of March at 15:00 CET Time.

This time the discussion panel will be truly international bringing together outstanding experts from all over the world. Prof. Usami from Japan will talk about genetics and electrode selection in EAS patients; Prof. Rajan from Switzerland will cover EAS surgery; Prof. Helbig from Germany will elaborate on the long term results with Prof. Lorens from Poland answering questions about it; and, last but not least, Prof. Dillon from the US will talk about the concept of fitting.

In order to join in at the time of the event follow the Zoom link:

We are looking forward to an enriching discussion. Save the date and join us online!

MRI HI online recording



on youtube

HEARRING Group is delighted to share with you the video recording of our recent Online Training in MRI & Hearing Implants.

It was an excellent educational event with an enriching program and renowned speakers, which was held entirely in German and focused on the following topics:

  • Various safety precautions of the different implants
  • Important examination parameters and where to find them
  • Details about absorbed radiant energy (SAR) and what to look for
  • Possibilities of an artifact reduction, case presentations
  • Exchange of experience in interactions between the implant and the MRI

To view the recording click the button below.

MRI HI online training

ONLINE training


FEB 23, 2022

The increasing diagnostic importance and the more frequent use of MRI devices have led to the fact that, according to statistics, every person needs an MRI examination at least once in their lifetime (OECD 2020). From diagnostics to monitoring the success of a therapy, MRI has become an indispensable part of modern medicine. However, for people with hearing implants (cochlear, bone conduction, middle ear, as well as brainstem implants), this procedure still presents difficulties. Radiologists and radiology technologists often have concerns about performing MRI on hearing implant recipients. This is because complications associated with hearing implants, such as pain or technical damage to the implant, have been documented. For this reason, depending on the type of implant, manufacturers have developed special magnets to compensate for the forces of the magnetic field of the MRI and thus avoid these complications (for implant generations after 1994).

This is an advanced training, for which you will receive 2 DFP (Diplom-Fortbildungs-Programm) points, that are valid exclusively in Austria. It will give you enriching insights into the topic of MRI & Hearing Implants. The following points will be discussed in detail:

  • Various safety precautions of the different implants 
  • Important examination parameters and where to find them 
  • Details about absorbed radiant energy (SAR) and what to look for 
  • Possibilities of the artifact reduction, case presentations 
  • Exchange of experience in interactions between the implant and the MRI 

WHEN: February 23, 2022; 18:00 – 19:30


18:00 – 18:20 MRI & Hearing Implants from a radiologist’s perspective by Priv. Doz. Dr. Frühwald-Pallamar, MD, Institute Frühwald & Partner, St. Pölten

18:20 – 18:40 MRI & Hearing Implants from the point of view of a surgeon by Prim. Univ. Prof. Dr. Sprinzl, Head of the ENT University Clinic, Ear, Nose & Throat Diseases, St. Pölten

18:40 – 19.00 MRI & Hearing Implants from the point of view of a manufacturer by Dr. Zimmerling, the Head of Implant Development, Research and Development Department, Innsbruck

19:00 – 19:30 Discussion & Questions

This online training will be hosted on Zoom. 

The meeting ID is 992 4839 1808.

To join this Zoom Meeting, click the button below. 

TEDx TALK William Crohan


by William CrohAn

“If you’ve got a problem and you’re passionate about fixing it, that’s all that matters”.
Structure preservation and robotics in cochlear implantation is a topic we consider absolutely vital to discuss. This brilliant TED talk features William Crohan, who is supervised by our distinguished members Gunesh Rajan and Dayse Tavora-Vieira. He talks about the research project, which focused on reducing the variation of pressure inside the cochlea during surgery, but also about the importance of simple ideas and fresh outlook.
This is exactly the kind of progress we aim to encourage. Have a look and get inspired by watching the video below.

Two-phase survey on the frequency of use and safety of MRI for hearing implant recipients

Two‐phase survey on the frequency of use and safety of MRI for hearing implant recipients



Two‐phase survey on the frequency of use and safety of MRI for hearing implant recipients

“Two‐phase survey on the frequency of use and safety of MRI for hearing implant recipients”

Our paper titled “Two‐phase survey on the frequency of use and safety of MRI for hearing implant recipients” has been recently published in the European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology!

HEARRING is truly proud to have our prominent members Paul Van de Heyning, Griet Mertens, Vedat Topsakal, Ruben de Brito, Wilhelm Wimmer, Marco D. Caversaccio, Stefan Dazert, Stefan Volkenstein, Mario Zernotti, Lorne S. Parnes, Hinrich Staecker, Iain A. Bruce, Gunesh Rajan, Marcus Atlas, Peter Friedland, Piotr H. Skarzynski, Serafima Sugarova, Vladislav Kuzovkov, Abdulrahman Hagr, Robert Mlynski, Shin‐Ichi Usami, Luis Lassaletta, Javier Gavilán, Benoit Godey, Christopher H. Raine, Rudolf Hagen, Georg M. Sprinzl, Kevin Brown, Wolf‐Dieter Baumgartner and Eva Karltorp as the authors of this brilliant publication.

Click the link below to have a read and don’t forget to share it with your colleagues and peers!

Spring HEARRING Round Table Recap


The spring HEARRING Round Table took place on the 18th of March 2021 and this is the exclusive sneak peak into it!

Recording of the Full Event

The round table discussion turned out to be very engaging. Our distinguished experts were able to share their deep knowledge and invaluable skills, and we hope all the participants could benefit from this enriching event. The theme of our spring event was Unilateral Deafness and its various treatment opportunities. 

The discussion was introduced by our chairman Prof. Wolf-Dieter Baumgartner and moderated by our Secretary of Research Prof. Javier Gavilán. Prof. Wolf-Dieter Baumgartner, Prof. Paul Van de Heyning, Dr. Anja Kurz and Prof. Artur Lorens were participating as distinguished panelists.
If you missed it or would like to see it again, you can find the full recording of the event below!

WHO x HEARRING Round Table Recap


The Special Edition HEARRING Round Table dedicated to the World Health Organization report on Hearing took place on the 6th of May 2021. Here is the highly anticipated recording of it, so have a look if you missed it!

Recording of the Full Event

HEARRING set the stage for an important discussion on the World Health Organisation’s Report on Hearing with no other than Prof.Shelly Chadha, the WHO Medical Officer responsible for WHO’s work on hearing loss prevention and advocacy for hearing healthcare prioritisation. We would like to thank Prof. Baumgartner, the chairman of HEARRING, Prof. Gavilán, the secretary of research of HEARRING, and the esteemed panel, Prof. Rajan, Prof. Zernotti, Prof. Rajeswaran, Prof. Sallavaci for the great discussion.

Winter HEARRING round table dec 2021 RECAP


Winter HEARRING round Table


HEARRING is excited to let you know that we have already published the full recording of the Winter HEARRING Round Table Discussion on our Youtube channel and we highly encourage you to have a look at it!

Click here to watch

The subject of this discussion was “Cochlear Implantation in Younger Children”, which we consider to be a truly essential one to talk about. 

Our panel featured such outstanding specialists as Prof. Wolf-Dieter Baumgartner, Prof. Javier Gavilán, Drs. Anouk Hofkens, Prof. Lisa Park, Prof. Rudolf Hagen and Prof. Mohan Kameswaran

The recording of this event will receive international accreditation from the CPD Standards Office. The assessment process takes up to 6 weeks, after which the official certificates will be available to those who have attended the event or seen the recording. If you wish to receive your CPD certificate, please request it by writing us an email at: